I threw an Art Pop-up in Las Vegas!
And it was f*cking awesome!!!
My hero and good friend Mr. Alex Pardee, came to Las Vegas and brought a bunch of art, merch, and toys. So we decided to throw an Art show and host a pop-up for the weekend. This is how it went down.
Starting in Jan 2020, I incorporated 9th Industries, Inc., and opened the doors on my private studio / gallery in Downtown Las Vegas (9thGalleryArts). Since then I’ve been teasing the idea that I am going to start running an art gallery, but I needed a huge break through for 2020.
Luckily Alex had my back.
Around Xmas time, Alex had sent me a couple text messages asking about throwing a Pop-up in Vegas. Since he hasn't shown his art or done a meet-n-greet in Vegas in over 6 years, my studio was perfect.
So we planned it out.
He whipped up a dope flyer, I cut some Eventbright graphics and it was on.
We started promoting early in Jan with the goal to launch this thing on the 31st.
We kept pushing using TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter to boost our RSVPS to over 250, whoah!!!!
I guess we have to do this now…
So the week of the event, as excited as we we’re we really started to plan. We had a full game plan, how to control the crowd. How to display the art, and I even painted the wall Pink. 🌈
Alex rolled through Friday Morning we unpacked, and setup shop. Being as crazy as I am, I went nuts in the Brightmares costume with OhChloe and ran around downtown shooting some insane photos.
Alex and the gang hung the art, set up the merch tables and boom.
We waited as people started to line up.
Come around 7pm, the line was insane. People drove hours to attend, a night full art, merch, and books.
Alex being the monster he was, drew pictures, took photos, and got to connect with some of this biggest long time Vegas fans.
We ran the event from 7pm — 11pm, the studio was in full effect.
The entire show was a success, it couldn't have gone any better.
We had a packed house, over 300 Estimated attendees. What a radical night!
I’m excited to say that THERE WILL BE MORE POP-UPS. We’re going to be bringing High-Resolution/Liquid Art to Las Vegas, and setting the bar for Pop-Up experiences in Downtown.
I’m excited, proud, and ready for the next show.
Thanks for reading!